Blog — braces advice


Safe Halloween Treats For Brace Wearers 0

Braces at Halloween

Halloween is a super exciting time of the year where adults and children alike can dress up and have fun. It's a night filled with sugar-loaded sweets and treats, which makes it an extra scary time for brace-wearers.

A Short Guide to keeping your Braces Clean 0

Cleaning braces

Before we get into cleaning braces, let’s discuss what they actually are.

What are braces?

Brace treatment involves using appliances to straighten crooked, crowded or protruding teeth, close gaps between teeth and correct the bite. There are a variety of different orthodontic braces available some of which are fixed, located on the outside or the inside of the teeth, and some that are removable.

Which is Better: Metal Braces or Ceramic Braces 0

Metal Braces or Ceramic Braces

Thanks to modern technology and experts in the field, orthodontic patients can choose from a range of brace appliances.

But with so many options available, we understand it can also be a little confusing for patients. That’s why we’ve created this short blog to help you understand the pros and cons of metal braces and ceramic braces.

Ways braces can change your life other than straightening your teeth 0


It’s a known fact that orthodontics is a fantastic journey to go through, starting with a crooked smile to one that is straight and glowing. But as some of you may not be aware, getting braces can also change your life in many other ways.

Carry on reading to find out exactly what we mean…

Does my child need braces? 0

children braces

There’s lot of things you worry about as a parent. 

Are my children healthy? Is this the right school for my child? What can I do to ensure they have a good future? 

And it’s no different with their oral health. Now, we’re not saying all children have crooked teeth and need to undergo orthodontics - but it is good to know the signs and when you might want to book an appointment with your dentist/orthodontist.
