Lunchtime orthodontic seminars

Orthodontic Seminars Lunchtime | Manchester Orthodontics

For some time now we have been offering lunchtime orthodontic seminars. This is a great way of finding out what we can offer you and your patients.

During the seminar we show you cases that we have undertaken and explain how we can work together to provide the best overall multi-disciplinary care. We highly value communication and know the importance of working together, especially in restorative cases, to get the best results.

The seminar lasts approx 45 minutes but can be tailored to each practices’ requirements. Each of your team will receive a CPD certificate – often highly valued for your nurses who can acquire their CPD requirements without taking time off work. We’ll even bring some cakes!

Here is some feedback from previous seminars:

“ It increased my knowledge and understanding of modern orthodontics”

“ Fantastic, I found it very interesting”

“ It helped to coordinate our smile design cases”

“ Very good for making personal connections to improve communication”

If you are interested in attending a lunchtime orthodontic seminar please get in touch for more information and to arrange a suitable date. Please call us on 0161 998 2622 or email
