Blog — Adult braces


Which is Better: Metal Braces or Ceramic Braces 0

Metal Braces or Ceramic Braces

Thanks to modern technology and experts in the field, orthodontic patients can choose from a range of brace appliances.

But with so many options available, we understand it can also be a little confusing for patients. That’s why we’ve created this short blog to help you understand the pros and cons of metal braces and ceramic braces.

Myth busting: Invisalign 0


Within any field, there’s always myths and misconceptions surrounding it… And that’s no different with orthodontics.

So let’s go through some of the myths tied to one of the most innovative and popular appliances on the market right now: Invisalign.

Ways braces can change your life other than straightening your teeth 0


It’s a known fact that orthodontics is a fantastic journey to go through, starting with a crooked smile to one that is straight and glowing. But as some of you may not be aware, getting braces can also change your life in many other ways.

Carry on reading to find out exactly what we mean…

Lingual braces vs Ceramic braces 0

lingual braces and ceramic braces

Northenden House Orthodontics has been treating patients for over 40 years.  We have seen patients that really want straight teeth however don’t like the appearance of braces. Luckily for them though, we offer some of the top appliances in the industry that can give them that discreet look. 

In this blog, we want to discuss the differences between lingual and ceramic braces. Both are great options for our patients but with quite a few dissimilar characteristics. 

Overjet vs Overbite: Treatments for both 0

Overjet vs Overbite

Overjet vs Overbite

Overbite and overjet are two types of malocclusion. People often confuse them to be the same, but they are uniquely different.

The main difference between overjet teeth and overbite teeth is the angle of the upper teeth and jaw.
