Blog — Invisalign


8 Answers To FAQs That Most Parents Have on Invisalign® For Teens 0

invisalign for teens

Knowing what your teen wants can sometimes be difficult, but all you can do is the best for them. We get asked a lot of questions about teens getting braces so we thought we would compile them into a list with answers. 

What are the Causes and Treatment for Overlapping Teeth? 0

overlapping teeth

Overlapping teeth often occurs when the teeth are crowded or misaligned in the mouth. It may not seem like a major issue but if left untreated, overlapping teeth can lead to other oral health problems. 

So, what are the causes of overlapping teeth?

Everything you need to know about Invisalign Cleaning Crystals 0


Invisalign treatment is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments. This is because you don’t have to have a fixed brace attached to your teeth and worry about what food you can and can’t eat, but also when you are wearing the Invisalign aligner it is virtually invisible; you can get the smile of your dreams without people even knowing.

Even though you don’t need to think about brace care while it’s fitted to your teeth as with other fixed orthodontics appliances, it’s still important to understand how to care for your Invisalign aligner for your oral hygiene and the effectiveness of the treatment.

All You Need to Know about Invisalign 0


Invisalign is one of the best orthodontic treatments for people who don’t want a fixed brace and want something virtually invisible. If you are just starting out on your Invisalign journey then we have put together a list of the key things you need to know about Invisalign. 

8 Tips to Clean Your Invisalign Effectively 0


Invisalign aligners are one of the best options to correct your bite and straighten your teeth if you are wanting a more discreet solution. 


But, no matter how easy they are to use every day, Invisalign cleaning is something you need to take extra care of. Read our eight quick Invisalign care tips for you.
