Blog — fixed brace


How to Fix Crowded or Crooked Teeth? 0

smiling woman

Crowded or crooked teeth are most commonly visible when teeth grow twisted, angled or overlap due to not enough room in the mouth. We recommend that this is fixed early as crowding of teeth mostly worsens with age if neglected.


Not only can crowded or crooked teeth lead to a lack of confidence with some people but it can cause several oral and health problems in the long run. This is because it can become hard to clean the teeth thoroughly and food particles can remain stuck in between the teeth. If ignored this may lead to decay and gum diseases. 

What are the Causes and Treatment for Overlapping Teeth? 0

overlapping teeth

Overlapping teeth often occurs when the teeth are crowded or misaligned in the mouth. It may not seem like a major issue but if left untreated, overlapping teeth can lead to other oral health problems. 

So, what are the causes of overlapping teeth?

How To Get Your Braces Off Faster 0

fixed braces

If you’ve got misaligned teeth and want orthodontic treatment then you’ll be eager to get your braces on. However, towards the end of your brace journey you may be wondering how you can get your braces off faster. 

While the braces take care of your misaligned teeth, you need to take care of your braces so that they can continue aligning your smile. The more care you put into your braces, the more likely it is that you may be able to get your braces taken off before you thought.

Feel Good With Hidden Braces 0

hidden braces | Manchester Orthodontics

Happiness you see, braces you don’t.

We want you to feel happy and confident when you smile, so why not consider orthodontics to correct the position of your teeth? We have a variety of semi invisible and invisible appliances to choose from that are designed for comfort and versatility.
