Blog — braces


Celebrities you didn't know had Braces 0

celebrity braces

There’s no need to be self conscious about braces. Why? Because some of your favourite celebrities have had braces themselves! Here’s a list of celebs you might know who have undergone orthodontic treatment at one point or another.

What to eat with braces 0

foods to avoid with braces

Initially, in the first few days of getting metal braces, you may feel some discomfort and find it a bit difficult to alter your eating habits. Your diet may have to change slightly after braces simply because eating the wrong foods could result in damaging your brackets or wires. 

We’re going to give you a run down of foods you should avoid and foods that are ok.

4 Advantages of Lingual Braces 0

lingual braces

Lingual braces are a revolutionary orthodontic treatment, with our brand of choice being Incognito. We offer Lingual braces as a treatment to our patients with a range of misalignment and bite issues to help straighten their teeth. 

So other than the obvious, what else is great about Lingual braces?

The Benefits of Early Orthodontics Treatment 0

Early Orthodontics Treatment benefits

It’s best to spot any problems within your child's developing mouth early so you can start treatment sooner before they turn into long term problems. Early prevention also means you can access treatment on the NHS, making it a much more affordable option for families.

Do I need braces? 0

Do I need braces?

First things first -  what are braces?

Braces are typically used to straighten teeth and correct your bite.

Not only do they achieve a perfect smile, they can also have many oral health benefits too.

Any person of any age can get braces, subject to having satisfactory dental health.
