Blog — free NHS braces


It’s never too late to get braces 0


There’s a common stigma around braces that it’s just for children. But this is completely false! Although the thought of wearing metal brackets and wires may cause some to believe that it’s just too late for braces, it never is.


No one should be ashamed about the process of transforming their smile and gaining new confidence, but we understand more than anyone that our adult patients may have concerns. It’s our primary goal to accommodate your preferences! 

4 Advantages of Lingual Braces 0

lingual braces

Lingual braces are a revolutionary orthodontic treatment, with our brand of choice being Incognito. We offer Lingual braces as a treatment to our patients with a range of misalignment and bite issues to help straighten their teeth. 

So other than the obvious, what else is great about Lingual braces?

Can I get Braces for Free? 0

Braces Cost | Can You Get It Free? | Northenden House Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment is a life changing process that can not only alter your physical appearance but it also has a bunch of health positives too. Straight teeth and correct jaw alignment can allow for better chewing and digestion of food while also easing pressure on your teeth, gums and jaw muscles.
