Blog — Adult braces


How Effective are Braces for Adults? 0

Adult Braces | Manchester Orthodontics

At Northenden House Orthodontics, we don’t only offer treatment to children under 18 years old. We have plenty of orthodontic treatments available to adults ranging from lingual braces to InvisalignMany of the orthodontic appliances are still just as effective as they are for children, with the length of treatment taking only a little longer.

Invisalign Tips and Tricks 0

Invisalign Tips | Manchester Orthodontics

Invisalign is a wonderful and life-changing treatment that gives our patients the most dazzling smiles. But it doesn’t come without care from both your orthodontist and yourself. We’ve come up with 5 tips to help you start your smile journey in the best way.

What are the benefits of getting braces as a child? 0

Advantages Of Children's Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

Your dentist usually recommends that your child starts brace treatment when they are around the age of 10 and above and have lost all of their baby teeth. In some cases, your child may be required to start their treatment at an earlier age to help align their growing jaws, this is known as interceptive treatment. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the benefits of having braces as a child. 

Ceramic braces: Pros and cons 1

Ceramic Braces Pros and Cons | Northenden House Orthodontics

Ceramic braces are one of the Orthodontic treatments that we have available here at Northenden House. Our chosen brand is Clarity™ tooth-coloured braces. They are hidden braces that work in a similar way to metal braces. However, instead of being metal, their brackets are tooth-coloured. 

6 Things to avoid while wearing braces 0

Things To Avoid With Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

When you have braces it is very important that you look after them to avoid any unnecessary visits to your Orthodontist. With this in mind, we decided to come up with a list of things we warn patients not to do when they have braces. 
