Invisalign Tips and Tricks


Invisalign Tips | Manchester Orthodontics

Invisalign is a wonderful and life changing treatment that gives our patients the most dazzling smiles. But it doesn’t come without care from both your orthodontist and yourself. Yes you. You have the biggest impact on the results of your treatment so listen carefully!

You have to wear your clear aligners 22 hours a day which is quite the commitment. So we’ve come up with 5 tips to help you start your smile journey in the best way.

Tip 1: Protect your tongue

It’s very common that you are drawn to play with the plastic edges of your appliance this can cause discomfort to your tongue, this is purely because it is a foreign object in your mouth, you will soon adjust but try having a sip of water to distract you.

Tip 2: Treat your pain and discomfort

Clear aligners work by moving your teeth into their new, straighter position so it can be uncomfortable. If you’re looking for some relief then pain medication like paracetamol or ibuprofen can help ease any discomfort.

Tip 3: Keep track of your daily wear time

It’s common for patients to take their aligners out often throughout the day, but the flexibility can extend your treatment if you don’t wear them for the recommended 22 hours. Keep track of how long you are wearing them for the best results.

Tip 4: Remove your aligners the safe, sanitary way

Stay safe and sanitary when you remove your invisible braces by washing your hands before removal. We do warn patients removing them can get harder because your trays will get tighter as your treatment progresses, but it shouldn’t be a concerning issue.

Tip 5: Keep your trays clean (and clear)

Using cleaning crystals is one of the best ways to keep your trays clean and clear.  However, using your manual tooth brush and toothpaste is just as effective.

For more advice on the Invisalign treatment, or if you have any general queries then do not hesitate to give us a call on 0161 884 1481. Alternatively you can contact us through our website here.

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  • Mohammad Malik
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