How to Prepare for Jaw Surgery


Jaw Surgery | Manchester Orthodontics


When you have a complex bite such as an overbite, underbite or open bite that can’t be fixed with braces alone you may be recommended to have jaw surgery. When you have a malocclusion, your top and bottom teeth may not meet in the middle when you bite together. This can cause biting and chewing to be painful. However, more often than not the main reason people choose this type of surgery is that they want to boost their confidence. In this blog, we discuss what you will need to do to prepare for jaw surgery. 


The first step you will need to take before having your surgery is to have a consultation with an orthodontist and maxillofacial surgeon. If you are interested in having jaw surgery with us then give us a call on 0161 884 1481 and we’ll arrange a date for you to come and discuss the treatment further. At this consultation, you will also have x-rays, photos and impressions made of your teeth. 

Once you decide to go ahead with the jaw surgery, the surgeon may ask you to have a series of tests to measure your blood pressure etc just to see whether you are healthy enough to have the surgery. 

Transport and Aftercare 

On the day of your surgery, you will need to arrange transport to and from the hospital as you will be advised not to drive yourself after being under general anaesthetic, you may be asked to stay in overnight. After your surgery, you will need to give at least two weeks to recover fully before returning to school or work. You need to be aware that your jaw can take up to 9-12 months to heal fully, however, you should start to feel yourself after 6 weeks. 

Follow The Surgeon’s Advice 

The surgeon knows best so it’s incredibly important that you trust them and follow any advice that they give you before and after your surgery. If you are on medication, you will need to ask them if they think it is safe to take before your surgery. 


As this is an invasive surgery, which may require your jaw to be held in place for two weeks post-surgery you will need to eat soft, liquid foods that don’t require chewing. Depending on the severity, you may be able to have softer foods after these two weeks but this is something you will need to discuss with your surgeon. 

Foods such as yoghurt, fruit smoothies, soup and soft chopped pasta are fine to eat. 

Will I Still Need Braces?

At Northenden House, we offer combined orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment. You can have any brace option on your teeth before surgery, this is to ensure your teeth are in the right position. Then after surgery, you will continue your brace treatment. 

If you have any questions about jaw surgery or want to book a consultation with us then contact the practice on 0161 884 1481. 

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  • Mohammad Malik
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