Blog — retainer smell


Answering a Few Questions About Retainers 0


Throughout the time we have provided our customers with retainers we have been asked plenty of questions along the way. We thought we would gather all those questions and answer them here so not just our patients get access to the knowledge we provide alongside treatment. 

How to Keep Your Teeth Clean When Wearing A Retainer 0


There’s no doubt that more people are embracing orthodontic treatment because there are so many different brace systems to choose from. As an orthodontist we’re treating more adults than ever before, thanks to discreet methods of teeth straightening that systems such as Invisalign aligners provide.

Why Does My Retainer Smell Bad? 0

why does my brace smell

You went to put your retainer in before bed, but when you opened the case a horrible smell jumped out at you. What in the world happened to your retainer during the day? Can retainers really rot? While it isn’t uncommon for retainers to develop a smell, there is something you can do about it, as well as things you can do to avoid it happening to begin with.
