Answering a Few Questions About Retainers



Throughout the time we have provided our customers with retainers we have been asked plenty of questions along the way. We thought we would gather all those questions and answer them here so not just our patients get access to the knowledge we provide alongside treatment. 

Can I just wear my retainer at night?

Usually we would recommend that you wear the retainer as consistently as possible for a minimum of 10 hours per night. then after a year you will only have to wear your retainer for three nights a week (subject to the advice of your orthodontic practitioner). The one way you will know if you need to start wearing it more often is if it starts to feel tight, in that case you should go back to wearing it every night until it feels comfortable.

Are retainers painful?

When you start to wear retainers certain teeth may feel pressure and potentially will also feel sore for the first few days. If you experience this don’t worry it is completely normal to feel a bit of discomfort at the beginning of the process.

How long can I go without retainers?

We would not advise that you go for any significant length of time without wearing your retainers.  Even though you may have been out of treatment for a few years we would say continue to wear your retainers for as long as you want to keep your teeth straight.  At any point your teeth could relapse (drift out of alignment) if you do not wear your retainer.  We do advise that you keep a bonded retainer fixed to the back of your teeth to provide retention all the time. 

Why do my retainers taste bad in the morning?

Just like your teeth, your retainer will keep collecting bacteria, plaque, and tartar from your mouth while you wear it. Over time, it may even start to smell or taste funny if you do not clean it often enough. We recommend that you clean your retainer regularly, if you need advice on a retainer cleaning solution please contact us. 

Do retainers give you a lisp?

Wearing your retainer will help prevent your teeth from becoming crowded but you will notice a slight lisp in your speech for the first few days. This will gradually go overtime though as you get used to speaking with a retainer so nothing to worry about.

And that’s it, if you have any further questions then do not hesitate to ask when you get in touch with one of our specialists at Northenden House Orthodontics today on 0161 884 1481.

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  • Mohammad Malik
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