Blog — invisalign braces


It’s never too late to get braces 0


There’s a common stigma around braces that it’s just for children. But this is completely false! Although the thought of wearing metal brackets and wires may cause some to believe that it’s just too late for braces, it never is.


No one should be ashamed about the process of transforming their smile and gaining new confidence, but we understand more than anyone that our adult patients may have concerns. It’s our primary goal to accommodate your preferences! 

Thinking about getting clear braces? 0

Clear braces

As one of the first things we notice about a person, our smile plays an important role in everyday life. It can help express character, build new relationships and create a good first impression. However, if you are one of the many people self-conscious of your smile, these seemingly normal interactions could leave you with a sense of dread.

Myth busting: Invisalign 0


Within any field, there’s always myths and misconceptions surrounding it… And that’s no different with orthodontics.

So let’s go through some of the myths tied to one of the most innovative and popular appliances on the market right now: Invisalign.

Tips for solving simple Braces Emergencies at Home 0

brace care from home

Here at Northenden House Orthodontics, our entire team want to ensure your journey is as comfortable as possible and that also includes dealing with brace emergencies.

With that in mind, here is some advice and information about some things you can do to fix minor problems at home.

Invisalign vs Mail Order Braces 0

Invisalign vs Mail Order Braces

Do you want a perfect smile? Straight teeth to bring back your confidence?

Before choosing braces, it’s important to do your research. And we’re here to tell you not to fall into the trap of mail order braces.
