How expensive is Invisalign treatment?


Invisalign Treatment | Northenden House Orthodontics

Invisalign is growing in popularity throughout society as a whole. Many people in the public eye are turning to Invisalign treatment because of its discreet nature. However, it’s not just those in the public eye that are wanting Invisalign but many others who feel the clear, discreet appearance of Invisalign aligners is better suited to a modern lifestyle. 


Invisalign’s popularity stems simply from the fact that they are easy to use and are virtually invisible to the human eye. This removable aligner allows you to straighten your teeth without the worries of fixed braces. This clear aligner is not only targeted at adults but they also offer Invisalign light and Invisalign teen, meaning there is a brace option for the whole family!


How much does Invisalign cost? 

Depending on the complexity of the case Invisalign treatment can vary in cost. We offer different aligners depending on the individual and the case, this starts at Invisalign light all the way up to the full Invisalign system. 


At Northenden House Orthodontics, Invisalign treatment starts from £1800, however, the overall cost of the treatment depends on the complexity of the treatment which includes the severity of your current teeth positioning & what needs correcting. 


Our leading consultant orthodontists will be able to assess your case and using the industry-leading technology gives you an idea of how long the Invisalign treatment should take, based on the severity, and what the cost will be.

If you're interested in having Invisalign treatment with us then give us a call on 0161 884 1481 to book a consultation. 


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  • Mohammad Malik
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